Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How to make homemade ice cream without using a geletin machine?

How do you make homemade icecream without using this maching? Please post recipe and ingredients.....

thanksHow to make homemade ice cream without using a geletin machine?
There are lots of recipes that don't require a specialized machine - this is one of my favorites:

http://www.gourmet-food-revolution.com/e鈥?/a>How to make homemade ice cream without using a geletin machine?
Ice cream is very simply Sauce Anglaise that is frozen. To get that smooth and creamy texture it needs to be churned while freezing though. You can buy an old fashioned ice cream churn fairly inexpensively as it's basically just a thermos with a paddle that's turned by a crank.

once your liquid ice cream is in the churn you put it in the freezer and give it a turn and a half every half hour or so till it's frozen.

Sauce Anglaise: whisk nine yolks with 300g (1 1/3 cup) fine sugar until frothy. bring 1 litre (quart) whipping cream with a split vanilla pod in it to a boil. Get a ladle and scoop some of the hot cream over the egg mixture WHISKING RAPIDLY. This is called tempering and it will get your eggs to a temperature where they won't scramble. Anyway, do a couple ladles like that and then add that mixture back to the rest of the cream, stirring the whole time. Heat sauce over low-med heat stirring constantly till it thickens up enough to coat a spoon (basically a little thicker thatn cold whipping cream) Strain this into your old fashioned ice cream maker and voila. Vanilla ice cream!
this is how i used to make it as a kid, im sure you can alter the ingredents, this is how i remember them, but i could be off a bit.

-1 cup of milk

-1 cup of sugar

-1tablespoon of vanilla extract, or anyother extract (flavoring)

-1small plastic baggy

-1 large plastic baggy (both must seal)


1.5 cups of rock salt

mix sugar, milk, and extract in small baggy.

seal baggy closed.

put ice and rock salt in large baggy, and place small baggy inside large baggy. shake large baggy until the mixture turns to ice cream.

yes, it really works. the salt makes the ice extremely cold (use a towel so you dont freezer burn your hands when shaking bag) and the shaking sort of churns the ice cream. takes about 5-10 minutes.

have fun!!

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