Saturday, December 26, 2009

How do I get cold cream out of a two-year-old's hair?

So my daughter (who is also a WMD) was playing in my bedroom yesterday and found a jar of body butter. While she smells fabulous, her hair is so gross now, and I have tried shampoo, dish soap and even baking soda. Now it feels both greasy AND gritty. Any suggestions as to what would clean this out?How do I get cold cream out of a two-year-old's hair?
Soak her sweet little head in vinegar and be grateful she didn't use crisco (been there done that). I would just take a washcloth with some vinegar and get her hair completely wet and let it sit about 15 minutes. Be really careful not to get any in her eyes. After the 15 minutes, without wetting her hair down pour shampoo or dish soap (make sure it's not antibacterial because the chemicals in that can burn the skin on kids) and scrub really well and then rinse. You might have to shampoo it a few more times after that but it will come out. Best of luck. Let us know what worked!How do I get cold cream out of a two-year-old's hair?
Aww, two year olds are too cute! Rinse it with warm water while combing it as much as possible. Wait for it to dry the do it again. Keep doing it until it comes out. Don't apply products.
try lemon juice, then shampoo it.
sounds like you've got some good suggestions or you could just wait it out and it should be out in after a couple more days of regular bathing.
do not wet it first ,put shampoo onto dry hair and rub in well then rinse off
The only thing I can think of is to freeze it then comb it out. I don't know HOW you would do that but it seems like if you could get it cold enough it would be more easily combed out.

My boss who is a parent herself, suggests some sort of acid, like vinegar or lemon juice. I'm not a parent and am an only child, so I have very little practical experience with this type of thing.
Soaking her hair in vinegar will help. Also, Dawn detergent is an excellent degreaser.
I would try something with a degreaser--like dish soap. Or take her to a salon and let them get it out--and give her a trim while they're at it.

Or hit the beauty supply store and see what they would suggest--some kind of a 'stripper' for hair build up.

Good luck!
Use dawn dish detergent, it works so well if u really need to get a whole lot of goop or oil and grime out of your hair,i know because my friend used it once,and her hair was squeaky clean,literally, but you can't use it all the time because it will strip your hair of its natural oils, so if u don't want your hair to be greasy, then u can use it every few months.
Dish detergent should work. I was always told to use either a clear or a yellow colored one. I don't know why. Joy was the one recommended to me by my stylist when I had to remove gunk from my hair.
dawn concentrated will get it out.
Use a hand soap called Lava or Goop it is a hand de-greaser, use very carefully and gently
well you should go get help cuz thats sounds bad!!!
Wash it....
ahhhh sounds like a typical two year old..bless her heart...u could try neutrogena's anti buildup and see if that works but if you use it make sure it doesnt get into her eyes..its not tear free....otherwise im sure a few more shampoos with baby shampoo will get it @WMD

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