it wont save you time- it takes a while to put on- evenly, to wait for it to take effect and to properly scrub off, its not like shaving gel where if you dont rinse properly it just feels thight, if you dont wash off hair removal cream it itches and if alot is left on it stings.
The cream itself has a strong stench-sorry, scent, its like they ry to cover up the chemical smell and decide to wack in a few more chemicals in their attempt- it doesnt work, the cream is still overwhelmingly chemical, you may want to wait until you have a cold before you put it on your face.
then you have the issue of fragrance left behind deliberatly after the cream has been washed off, sure you'd really like to smell like a lady? as no amount of deoderant or aftershave will save you, you'll either be telling your fan base (girlfriends..etc) that you are either cheating on her or you like to dress in ladies clothing, and wear her perfume.
Plus if my mates facial hair is anything to go by, its more course than our leg hair, cream may not be enough....Could a man use hair removal cream on his face instead of shaving ?
Yes you could use hair removal cream!! Just make sure you buy one designed to be used on the face!!
yes, alot of african american men do.
i would do a small patch test first to check that you're not allergic. I once used it for underarm hair and I came out in a sore rash which was terrible as I couldn't wear any deoderant for a week!!!
I think the hair on a mans face would be too coarse for hair removal cream to be effective and if this was possible I am sure something would be on the market for this purpose already.
yes y wont u use it on ur balls 2
I'm not sure. . .I think it might be irritating, because the skin on the face is quite sensitive. . . but you could try on a little area to see if it does anything to you.
yes but make sure you test it first! or else you might get a chemical reaction and it wouldnt be very pretty
Absolutley. In America a lot of African American men prefer it to shaving because it avoids the ingrown hairs that come with shaving very curly facial hair. The most popular brand in America for mens facial hair removal creams is King Of Shaves, and this full range is easily available at any big city centre Boots.
maybe i dont know...try it if you skin goes green with yellow spots then it means its not a good idea if your skin goes like it should be then its ok to use it...
Not unless you can find a cream for sensitive areas. Most of the ones sold say you should never use it on your face.
Edit: I forgot to add. If you use it for a while your hair stops growing the same way, in some places it might not even grow anymore. So don't do it for too long, or else you won't be able to grow an even beard in the future.
DON'T DO IT. Unless you don't want to learn from my mistake.
it wouldnt be worth the effort. every day? no chance.
Why not! Only you should look on the warning label because most of them say dangerous if applyied to face!
Go ahead and try it. It depends on how thick and heavy the hair is. Test a small area first to see how you react to the product's pretty harsh on the skin. If it starts burning, take it off immediately! Good Luck to you!
yeah as long as it's specially formulated for the face because the other's would be way too's messy though and you have to leave it on a certain amount of time so really you're not saving much time and it only lasts a few days
yes, for sure but some may irritate your skin make it itch or burn or make red bumps, if that happens just quit using the product and go back to shaving hope this help :)
Only if you want to look like Freddy Kruger.
Hi there,
Yes you can use hair removal cream on your face, but check which one (if you decide) to use as some may be a bit harsh for your face, also I recommend that you do a skin test before applying to the whole of your face in case of a reaction with your skin.
I knew a mate when I was going to college who used skin removal cream all the time as he was scared about cutting him self when shaving.
Hope this helps and good luck.
I wouldn't - there's a chance it wouldn't grow back over time.
yh i dont see why not
you could, but if you have sensitive skin, then you might get an allergic reaction, which don't disappear quickly, especially when you shave over it. plus all those kinds of products smell DISGUSTING. even the ones marketed as like, ';cucumber melon';. i would not want that so close to my nose if i were you.
You may find the hair is so coarse that it won't dissolve in the maximum time.
Also, you'd have to use quite a lot so it would work out expensive and smelly!
of course
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