Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Can I use Heavy cream instead of milk when cooking alfredo?

I'm just using a packet mix for my alfredo but it calls for 1 cup of milk and I'm all out. However, I have some heavy cream. Can I use the cream and if so, how much should I use? Thanks!Can I use Heavy cream instead of milk when cooking alfredo?
thats what i do. It tastes just as good (or even better)! Good Luck!Can I use Heavy cream instead of milk when cooking alfredo?
You certainly can. Now that being said there are some chemical reactions going on %26lt;read chemical thickeners%26gt; this is going to make the dish very thick very quickly. The milk fat percentage on most whole milks is 3.25. Heavy cream is 36 to 40%. To get the right consistency you can cut it with water.

As to amount if the cream is say 30 to 36% you should use about 10 to 1 cream to water though easily you could run to 5:1

it is even better in tasting ,,but you must add half the amount of cream the other half is water to which you must add small spoon of flour, stir well and add to cream just at boiling ,this well help the cream not to be separated under the effect of heat and give the cosistency to the sauce,the only thing ,it must be hot as the cream tend to be slightly hard when cold ,,,but still more more delecious than you think
Yes you can, it will just be creamier and richer.

Use a little less to begin with, you can always add more.
coco is right........enjoy

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